Mental Health Facilities in IBA
Wellness Center provides health care facilities to students studying at IBA with an aim to help them in improving their physical, and psycho-social wellbeing. It addresses students' psychological, emotional, social, and behavioral concerns that include anxiety, depression, isolation, academic stress, confidence and self-esteem, homesickness (in case of living away from home) among various other issues and challenges. Wellness center in addition to other services, also provides Wellness Counseling services to students ensuring their safety and confidentiality. The main purpose is to help these students regarding different challenges and stressors they face in their social, academic, and personal life. To help students define goals, plan action and gain insight through psychoeducation, Counselling and different psychotherapeutic interventions are being used. Moreover, evaluating student's functioning and make practical implementation for appropriate intervention strategies of limited complexity and to provide follow up sessions for smooth termination are the key goals of it.
Students can avail mental health support through individual counseling sessions by setting up an appointment through email with the Wellness Counselors/Clinical Psychologists. Walk-in sessions are also provided to students to address a crisis or an immediate need. Students are seen on a first-come, first-served basis for walk-in sessions. Additionally, the Wellness Center organizes support groups, workshops, trainings, and other activities to develop coping skills and disseminate mental health awareness.
All information shared during counseling sessions, including the student's identity, is kept strictly confidential except in cases where it is deemed that the student may seriously hurt themselves or another person, in which case, their legal guardians and authorized persons at the IBA are notified.
However, our well-trained Wellness Counselors with vast experience and knowledge are available in both the campuses of IBA. To make an appointment, students can send email with ERP or make a phone call. Students can also visit Health and Wellness Center Martin Down (main campus).
Make an appointment with Wellness Counselors/Clinical Psychologists and Psychiatrist

Ahmad Ali
Wellness Counselor/Clinical Psychologist
Monday to Friday: Main Campus (Except Wednesday)
City Campus: Wednesday
Time: 8:30am to 4:30pm
Tel: (021) 111-422-422) Ext:3050

Syeda Humera Qutb
Wellness Counselor/Clinical Psychologist
Wednesday: Main Campus
Thursday: City Campus
9:30am to 5:30pm.
Tel: (021) 111-422-422) Ext:3056

Maria Faridun
Wellness Counselor/Clinical Psychologist
Tuesday to Friday: Main Campus
Monday: City Campus
Time: 8:30am to 4:30pm
Tel: (021) 111-422-422) Ext:2453
Psychiatrist-OPD (In collaboration with Aga Khan University Hospital)
Once in a week: Monday only
9:00am to 12:30pm
OPD: 3 patients a day
Tel: (021) 111-422-422)
Ext: 2062, 2072, 2453