Health and Wellness

Health and Wellness Center
Health and Wellness Center
Health and Wellness Center
Health and Wellness Center

Counseling is a process that addresses the emotional, psychological, social and physical concerns of individuals at different stages in their lives. It focuses on life stresses and issues that affect people individually and as a part of families, groups, and organizations. Counseling helps individuals cope with their mental health issues and enables them to improve their sense of well-being, mitigate distress, and resolve crisis. (Counseling Psychology, APA)

Do you need counseling for your mental Health?

Wellness Counseling not just help individuals deal with issues affecting their mental well-being, but also serves a preventive function allowing them to learn skills that would enable them in the future to manage and cope with their distress. It can help address problems including (but not limited to) anxiety, depression, academic stress, adjustments issues, difficulty making friends, confidence and self-esteem, and work/student-life balance.

Make an appointment

Click on the button below to check the availability and to request for an appointment with clinical Psychologists and Psychiatrist. You can also call and visit the Wellness Center.

Confidentiality Clause:
All discussions, information shared, and materials exchanged during our session or appointment shall remain strictly confidential. Both parties agree not to disclose or share any details of these discussions or any related information to third parties without prior written consent, except as required by the law or professional ethical obligations.


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For further queries and information

You may contact us at

Health and Wellness Centre

+92 21 38104700 (2062) (2072) (2453)

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